i n d e x
notes on projects by m.d.
categories: arctic | art | biology | book | compile | crypto | cryptoart | debian | entropy | ffmpeg |
funk | game | ghostradio | hades | informationtheorie | internet | laser | linux | linuxaudio | logic |
machinelearning | math | movie | neuralnetworks | noise | nonhuman | notes | particlephysics | physics | radio |
radioactive | renameseq | rng | softwaredefinedradio | sound | stockexchange | tools | underinfluence | vlf | xterm |



das ais system laeuft mit Nooelec NESDR SMArt v5 der dvbt dongle war nicht brauchbar https://www.aishub.net/ais-dispatcher?tab=linux ##softwaredefinedradio

last edited:February 18, 2023


https://github.com/SignalK/signalk-server schau mal hier, manche muss man erst kalibrieren für dier richtige frequenzabweichung ppd und empfindlichkeit. ich habe einen neueren im alugehäuse der ist vorgeeicht. aber die plastikdinger vorher haben für die 15x MHz auch gereicht. https://pysselilivet.blogspot.com/2020/05/ais-reciever-for-raspberry-pi-2-channel.html AIS reciever for Raspberry Pi, 2 channel pysselilivet.blogspot.com MMSI ist verschlüsselt, also die strings sind nicht so lesbar aussser das sie mit „!AIxxx anfangen und am ende ne prüfsumme +ausgeben. opencpn oder avnav können dann die positionen auf der karte anzeigen. danke holger https://support.nooelec.com/hc/en-us/articles/360005889913-NESDR-Nano-Series ##linux ##softwaredefinedradio

last edited:February 04, 2023


soft: opencpn https://github.com/jvde-github/AIS-catcher sdrangel Gqrx SDR antenne: Berechnung: Lambda = c / F ( c = Lichtgeschwindigkeit in KM, F = Frequenz in MHz, Lambda in mm Eine Antenne Lambda/4 von 8,7cm = 87mm entspricht also einer Wellenlänge von 348mm. Dann ist die Frequenz F = c / Lambda = 300000 / 348 = 862,0689MHz L = c/F; 300000/162(MHZ) = 1851/L4(antenne) = 46cm cbra mit si einheit: 3*10^8 m/s / (162 * 10^6) 1/s =~ 1.8 m https://www.entwicklertools.de/tools/technik-tools/antennen-rechner/ Bei dieser Frequenz ist die Antenne in elektrischer Resonanz (der Resonanzwiderstand ist am Kleinsten --> Serienresonanz) und kann ein Maximum an hochfrequenter Energie abstrahlen. Das Stehwellenverhältniss (Verhältniss von hinlaufender zu reflektierter Welle) ist theoretisch 1. Dies ist beim Betrieb einer Antenne an einem Sender extrem wichtig. hw safes: https://v3.airspy.us/product/upu-fp162s/ for ais https://www.wimo.com/de/airspy-discovery Airspy HF+ Discovery SDR Rx thx 2 cbra ##softwaredefinedradio ##linux

last edited:January 29, 2023


best vlf connector so far,. grounding case and rec ##vlf ##radio

last edited:January 29, 2023


by erich berger [image] ##tools ##radioactive

last edited:December 29, 2022


[image] http://www.andregoncalves.info/ag_blog/?page_id=61">http://www.andregoncalves.info/ag_blog/?page_id=61 http://www.cooking-hacks.com/index.php/shop/arduino/pack-radiation-sensor-board-for-arduino-geiger-tube.html">http://www.cooking-hacks.com/index.php/shop/arduino/pack-radiation-sensor-board-for-arduino-geiger-tube.html http://www.ebay.com/itm/1x-Russian-GEIGER-TUBE-COUNTER-SI-29BG-SBM-20-New-Box-/190723522117?pt=BI_Security_Fire_Protection&hash=item2c6801fe45">http://www.ebay.com/itm/1x-Russian-GEIGER-TUBE-COUNTER-SI-29BG-SBM-20-New-Box-/190723522117?pt=BI_Security_Fire_Protection&hash=item2c6801fe45 http://arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoBoardUno">http://arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoBoardUno - - nur memo: http://www.libelium.com/wireless_sensor_networks_to_control_radiation_levels_geiger_counters/">http://www.libelium.com/wireless_sensor_networks_to_control_radiation_levels_geiger_counters/ - http://www.techlib.com/science/geiger.html">http://www.techlib.com/science/geiger.html vlf: http://www.techlib.com/electronics/vlfwhistle.htm"> http://www.techlib.com/electronics/vlfwhistle.htm http://www.vlf.it/easyloop/_easyloop.htm">http://www.vlf.it/easyloop/_easyloop.htm http://www.techlib.com/electronics/audioamps.html#curiously%20low%20noise">http://www.techlib.com/electronics/audioamps.html#curiously%20low%20noise http://nova.stanford.edu/~vlf/IHY_Test/TechDocs/AWESOMEDescriptionTalk/HardwareAWESOME.pdf">http://nova.stanford.edu/~vlf/IHY_Test/TechDocs/AWESOMEDescriptionTalk/HardwareAWESOME.pdf ##tools ##radioactive ##vlf

last edited:December 29, 2022


http://gnuradio.org/redmine/projects/gnuradio/wiki/InstallingGR">http://gnuradio.org/redmine/projects/gnuradio/wiki/InstallingGR http://sdr.osmocom.org/trac/wiki/rtl-sdr">http://sdr.osmocom.org/trac/wiki/rtl-sdr http://www.rtlsdr.org/">http://www.rtlsdr.org/ http://www.oz9aec.net/index.php/gnu-radio/gqrx-sdr">http://www.oz9aec.net/index.php/gnu-radio/gqrx-sdr http://www.superkuh.com/rtlsdr.html">http://www.superkuh.com/rtlsdr.html ----bugs/hacks http://mono-for-android.1047100.n5.nabble.com/Some-sln-files-opening-as-hex-td5688360.html">http://mono-for-android.1047100.n5.nabble.com/Some-sln-files-opening-as-hex-td5688360.html   --satelite images http://www.oz9aec.net/index.php/gnu-radio/gnu-radio-blog/451-howto-receive-and-decode-noaa-apt-images-with-funcube-dongle-and-gqrx">http://www.oz9aec.net/index.php/gnu-radio/gnu-radio-blog/451-howto-receive-and-decode-noaa-apt-images-with-funcube-dongle-and-gqrx   --radar http://www.virtualradarserver.co.uk/Download.aspx">http://www.virtualradarserver.co.uk/Download.aspx http://www.rtl-sdr.com/adsb-aircraft-radar-with-rtl-sdr/">http://www.rtl-sdr.com/adsb-aircraft-radar-with-rtl-sdr/ ##linux ##softwaredefinedradio ##funk

last edited:December 29, 2022




##tools ##radioactive

last edited:December 29, 2022


memo: den letzten transistor im setup 180grad herum einbauen, ergibt einen schoenen sound. ##tools ##radioactive ##sound

last edited:December 29, 2022


  als lib fuer quantenkino/ghostradio -> laut oliver laeuft die lib effizienter als imagemagick http://www.graphicsmagick.org/perl.html">http://www.graphicsmagick.org/perl.html   ##linux ##tools

last edited:December 29, 2022


"Ghostradio sounded suitably mysterious and dark" regine debatty ##ghostradio ##cryptoart

last edited:December 29, 2022


maex@:~/ghostradio/code$ more ghostradio.py 
import numpy as np
import cv2
import os, sys, struct, shutil, time

print "configuring video dev"
# 1 = composite 0 = tuner usw
os.system("v4l2-ctl -i 1")

cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

ret = cap.set(3,720) 
ret = cap.set(4,576)

timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")

grname = "gr-random-bin"+timestr

fd = os.open(grname,os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT)

    # Capture frame-by-frame
    ret, frame = cap.read()

    # Our operations on the frame come here
    gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    for x in xrange(1, 12):  # zeilen anzahl und position 1 = start 2 =laenge (bei 640x480 ist das theoretisch 1, 479)
        for y in xrange(1, 18):  # scanrange 1 start 2 ende (zb fuer 640x480 ist das dann 1, 640)

                output = gray[x, y]
#               output = bin(gray[x ,y])[2:].zfill(8)
#               print bin(gray[x ,y])[2:].zfill(8)
                output = chr(output)
                os.write(fd, output)  

#               change to this to write down numbers:
#               output = str(output)
#               os.write(fd, output+';')

    # Display the resulting frame
    if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

    #checking filesize > 2gb close file open new filename+timestamp    
    statinfo = os.stat(grname)
    b = statinfo.st_size
    b = ((b /1024)/1024)

    if b > 2000:
        timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
        grname = "gr-random-bin"+timestr
        fd = os.open("gr-random-bin"+timestr,os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT)

# When everything done, release the capture
##ghostradio ##linux ##entropy ##cryptoart

last edited:December 29, 2022


code von franzi imagemagick #!/usr/bin/perl use Image::Magick; $zaehler = 2; $spalte = 0; $zeile = 0; $e = 1; for ($i = 0; $i <= 255; $i++) { my $image = Image::Magick->new; $image->Set(size=>'256x256'); $image->ReadImage('xc:white'); for ($sp = 0; $sp <= 256*256; $sp++) { if ($spalte == 256) { $spalte = 0; # AN DEN ANFANG ZURUECK $zeile = $zeile + 1; # EINE ZEILE RUNTER # print " Zeile $zeile / 256 \t Nr. $i / 255 \t $farbe \n"; } # $e1=1/$e; # $e=1/(1+$e1); $e=1/$zaehler; # print "$e\t1/$zaehler\n"; $rot=substr($e,8,2); $gruen=substr($e,10,2); $blau=substr($e,12,2); $farbe = "#".$rot.$gruen.$blau; $image->Draw(primitive=>'point', fill=>"$farbe", points=>"$zeile,$spalte"); $spalte = $spalte + 1; $zaehler = $zaehler + 1; # print ">>>$e>$rot--$gruen--$blau>$farbe>>$spalte,$zeile\n"; } $zeile = 0; #$image->display(); $image->Write("image_1n65k$i.jpg"); print "image_65k$i.jpg\n"; } ##ghostradio ##linux

last edited:December 29, 2022


http://www.physics.otago.ac.nz/space/AARDDVARK_pictures.htm   http://www.physics.otago.ac.nz/space/AARDDVARK_homepage.htm ##vlf ##radio

last edited:December 29, 2022


https://github.com/antirez/dump1090 ##linux ##funk ##radio

last edited:December 29, 2022


Do you have a radio? Tune it in between stations. Music is highly reproducible, and although DJ's may blabber at random they may be recorded (so reproducible) and any radio station in general is duplicated with care in the whole area of broadcast. Do not use the FM tuner of your radio, because FM is based on a beacon signal with the sounds wrapped around it -- in other words, the radio can recognise absence of a station and refuse to tune in, or adapt tuning to a nearby station. You want to use the AM tuner, which does not have these problems.

the best random number generators use radioactive decay as an entropy source

gpg definition: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880">http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880 das ist schon mal ein guter weg http://sublimated.wordpress.com/2007/08/28/not-enough-random-bytes-available/">http://sublimated.wordpress.com/2007/08/28/not-enough-random-bytes-available/ /dev/random wird verwendet maex@bro:~$ cat /dev/random )����i���1����9�Ѭ$SLu�8y�;��_�M�>��D�HUb�1�\224bQ�?����\224���A|�?d������\206��\214�a�����.� +��Dc��@ l���o�g� ��\220�@�����,�I@���n�(b#�m���W��T M_��ԧ�'�tW�~    k��+9'�'?�so��.���\223���L��_U{-������^�v��KlR-��q��\212������^C maex@bro:~$ ##entropy ##noise ##rng

last edited:December 29, 2022


some pics klick [image] [image] [image] [image] ghostradio ##ghostradio

last edited:December 29, 2022


[image] new antenna developed 11 2014 lambda1/4 antenna in the center (probably with black cable) ghostradio entropy cryptoart ##ghostradio

last edited:December 29, 2022


http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/   8422.00   9240.02 softwaredefinedradio ##softwaredefinedradio

last edited:December 29, 2022


http://vimeo.com/49872335">http://vimeo.com/49872335 http://wwwu.uni-klu.ac.at/gsuess/bewusstseinpsy/RonaldWeigl.htm">http://wwwu.uni-klu.ac.at/gsuess/bewusstseinpsy/RonaldWeigl.htm http://derstandard.at/1326504254251/Umfrage-Zufaelle-sind-nicht-immer-rein-zufaellig?_artikelIndex=4">http://derstandard.at/1326504254251/Umfrage-Zufaelle-sind-nicht-immer-rein-zufaellig?_artikelIndex=4 http://derstandard.at/1326504250904/Zufall-Wenn-der-Wuerfel-rollt">http://derstandard.at/1326504250904/Zufall-Wenn-der-Wuerfel-rollt ghostradio ##ghostradio

last edited:December 29, 2022