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OKOK, general update, the lv21a isnt a distance sensor, although the lva display measures quite accurate the distance, BUT, the control output is just a switch, 11V 0V nothing inbetween. fails this is the distance sensor: manual: LV_H100_300_man.15391105 general manual: lv_general_kb circuit description between npn and pnp / lv21a and lv21ap: http://www.omron-ap.com/FAQ/FAQ02285/index.asp">http://www.omron-ap.com/FAQ/FAQ02285/index.asp this is the laser diode switch manual: keyence_pz101_datasheet ##laser ##tools

last edited:December 29, 2022


http://www.leuze.de/products/los/mess/ods96/ods96a_en.html">http://www.leuze.de/products/los/mess/ods96/ods96a_en.html they ve serial and analog output ##laser ##tools

last edited:December 29, 2022


http://www.repairfaq.org/sam/laserfaq.htm#faqtoc   laser ##laser

last edited:December 29, 2022